22 FEBRUARY 1908, page 3

We Note With Regret The Death On February .13bh Of

Sir James Knowles, the founder and proprietor of the Nineteenth Century, which he edited with great ability for thirty years. Sir James Knowles, who began life as an architect......

On Wednesday The Lord Advocate Moved The Second Reading Of

the Land Values (Scotland) Bill,—a Bill which if it were acted on would, he deelared, "benefit the improving landlord, the agricultural landlord, and the improving tenant" His......

The Anxiety Which Has Arisen In Newcastle And The North

of England in regard to the threatened strike in the ship- building and allied industries is, we fear, only too well justified. It was announced, however, late on Thursday night......

Lord Claud Hamilton, The Chairman Of The Great Eastern...

Company, sends to Monday's Daily Mail a short statement of the arguments which be believes to be conclusive against the nationalisation of our railways. These are—(1) the......

At The Annual Meeting Of The Central Poor Law Conference

on Tuesday Sir Edward Fry delivered his presidential address. The disclosures of peculation in some Boards of Guardians had revealed, not merely the dishonesty of certain......

On Thursday Mr. Herbert Gladstone Introduced The Coal...

Hours Bill, under which no man is to be allowed to be underground for more than eight hours. In our opinion, this, the first attempt to limit adult labour, is most upnecessary......

We Cannot Deal In Detail With The Rest Of The

debate, which included, however, a well-reasoned speech by Mr. Sonar Law ; but we would ask any of our readers who may feel inclined to support the Bill, and are in danger of......

The Times Of Thursday Publishes A Translation From Its...

correspondent of a Memorial presented to his Govern went by Chien Hahn on the recent Hague Conference. After describing the "heated arguments" and the proposals which were......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.

Jan. 23rd. Consols (2k) were on Friday 87k—on Friday week 87.......