22 FEBRUARY 1908, page 16

Rates And Taxes.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR " J SIR,—In your leader on " The True Unionist Policy " in your issue of January 18th you lay down two propositions in respect to local rates......

Ancient Britain And 1.11h Invasions Of Julius Caesar.

ITo THE EDITOR OF THE "EPECTATOR: . 1 Sia,—The note which the reviewer has appended to my letter, printed in the Spectator of January 25th, compels 'me to write once more. I......

"von Veltheim " In Thackeray.

[TO THE EDITOR OF TER "SPECTATOR."' SIR, — In reading last week's various comments on the extra- ordinary career of the blackmailer von Veltheim, I have been rather surprised......

A New Crosby Hall.

[To TUE EDITOR or TUE *SPECTATOR." J Sra,—As you are perhaps aware, a Hall of Residence has lately been opened in Chelsea for University students, post-graduates, &c.,......