22 FEBRUARY 1908, page 2

In The House Of Lords On Tuesday A Debate On

the new Army Act was opened by Lord Mount-Edgcumbe, who asked whether the Government would postpone the enforce- ment of the provisions of the Territorial and Reserve Forces Act......

In The House Of Commons On Tuesday The Secretary For

Scotland moved the second reading of the Small Landholders (Scotland) Bill. We cannot follow Mr. Sinclair's speech in defence of the Bill, but nothing he said makes us depart......

Having Explained The Drawbacks Of Inserting A Special...

the Persian Gulf and defended the pledges which we had given with regard to Afghanistan, Sir Edward Grey maintained that the Government had seized on the opportunity for......

On Wednesday The Lord Advocate Moved The Second Reading Of

the Land Values (Scotland) Bill,—a Bill which if it were acted on would, he deelared, "benefit the improving landlord, the agricultural landlord, and the improving tenant" His......

The Question Of The Use Of Party Political Funds Was

raised on Wednesday evening in the Commons by Mr. Belloc, who moved a Resolution deploring the secrecy under which such funds were accumulated and administered, and declaring......

The Debate On The Anglo-russian Convention Was Opened In The

Commons on Monday by Lord Percy in a long and able speech. He welcomed the spirit which had prompted the Agreement, and made it clear that his criticisms did not imply that the......

Mr. Mcarthur Moved The Second Reading Of The Eccle-...

Disorders Bill in the House of Commons on Friday week. The measure provides for the appointment of Commissioners empowered to visit any church complained of before the Royal......