InsPiring Spectator
Sir: The Spectator has not always come up to my expectations during the past year, but No 7488 of J nuar,
..7 1, 1972, raises hopes. Unlike the gallant gentleman who recently wrote to you, I still consider my subscription as an asset. My thanks go to the writer of your inspiring and thoughtful leader: " Greater Britain?" to 1\4,,ess,t's Michael Calvert, Hugh MacPherson and ,'uldil) Nayar for really good journalism, to your u. ook reviewers, particularly Mr Auberon Waugh, to Whom I am deeply grateful for warning me not i to waste time in reading the rubbish that s nowadays produced under the once respectable name
of " novel " (I am so glad he will keep on the good work; more strength to his arm) and even more so to the good back-page boys; Nicholas Davenport, Skinflint, Peter Quince, Benny Green, Clive Gammon, and the ever delightful Pamela Vandyke Price. (I wish I was wealthy enough to send her a few bottles of vintage Haut-Brion!) Lets have more of Mercurius Oxoniensis, John Rowan Wilson, try to rope in Sir Denis Brogan again, and, please, stop the inane " Gulliver's Journal."
Frank Piers Nairobi, PO Box 14264