22 JANUARY 1972, page 19

Best ' S Law

Sir: Your reference to 'Ponsonby's Law' (The Spectator's Notebook, January 8) is misleading. The ' law ' (more frequently described as a ' rule ') does not, as you suggest,......

Letter Jaw Sir: The Length Of Letters From Your Readers...

John England 239 World's End Lance, Quinton, Birmingham......

Culture Drain

Sir: The letter - of Mr Hopkins (January 1) underlines a truth rarely remarked that Britain is confronted by a long term strategy on the part of her enemies — they set their......

Benny ' S Cross

Sir: Your contributor Benny Green (January 1) is mistaken in supposing that "White's entire military career consisted of getting into Ladysmith and not being able to get out......

Roper ' S Gospel

Sir: I just finished reading Mr Hugh Trevor-Roper's review of Dr Dodd's The Founder of Christianity in your publication '(January 23, 1971). The upshot of the review is that Dr......

Jones ' S Life Sir: I Am Writing A Biography Of Thomas

Jones, CH, author of The Whitehall Diary, former Deputy Secretary of the Cabinet, and personal assistant to Lloyd George, Bener Law, MacDonald an- 1 Baldwin. I should be most......