Nigel Lawson
I o ngratulate Nigel Lawson, the former edito r o f or the Spectator, on being adopted Leic estershire What looks like a pretty safe seat in Leic estershire. By the time the......
Change In The Weather
It seemed very noticeable on Tuesday morning, the day after members of Parliament returned to Westminster from their Christmas recess, that the political weather had changed:......
Nasty Winds Blow
There are nasty winds blowing down Fleet Street. The Daily Mail has advertised its average circulation for the second half of 1971 as 1,753,846. Its average circulation for the......
Dogs Destroying Dogs
It is clear that Vere Harmsworth's family pride, which at the last moment precluded a deal between the Express and the Mail, is becoming very expensive pride indeed. It is not......
Better Guardian
The Guardian is now as big as, or bigger (and better) than, the Times, but both papers are losing money heavily. The Guardian's position is precarious. It is kept going by its......
Nothing For The Populars
The awards were deserved, hut dullish. The Financial Times received an award for its Arts page, the Sunday Times for its investigative reporting, Bernard Levin was the columnist......
Greek Street Fortnightly
A Greek Street fortnightly reported that an " emotional " Harold Wilson recorded his recent Ulster television broadcast following a lunch at 99 Gower Street. Spectator lunches......