Injecting Plastic
Robert Moss Limited is a public company at Kidlington in Oxford, and is in the plastic injection moulding business. The founder, Mr R. R. Moss, has placed a large part of his......
Converting Property
Geoffrey James, Chairman of Compass Securities, worked for Fred Cleary of Haselmere Estates until three years ago, when he started on his own He buys and converts property —......
Football Premiums
Now that the first premium bond prize is £50,000 I am surprised that the National Savings Authorities don't copy the football pools and get publicity from the presentation of......
God And Jim Slater
Those who like the works of men more than the works of God will be profoundly moved by the £30 million Slater Walker Dual Trust. Slater Walker are selling big share holdings in......
Levin's Rubbish
Skinflint reader Bernard Levin has sent me this letter: 10 DEVONSHIRE PLACE, LONDON, WIN I PS. 0/-937 004. January 7th 1972......