[To TH. EDITOR or THE "srsersvos,"l Sia,—We shall consider it a great privilege if the Spectator admits into its columns an appeal for the support of the Women's Holiday Fund. Since the society was started in 1895 it has yearly helped some thousand tired working women to get refit and change of air by the sea or in the country, the women con- tributing an average of nearly one-third of the expenses. Those of us who think a six weeks' summer holiday all too short, and leave our comfortable homes two or three times a year for " a breath of fresh air," will find it hard to believe that any sufficient good can result from two weeks'—sometimes only one week's— holiday from poverty and noise and trouble. As a matter of fact, it often means new life and fresh power of endurance for the over- burdened wife and mother. Applications are now pouring in, but unless generous support is speedily given we must turn a deaf ear to the pathetic appeals we are constantly receiving. Any dona- tions will be gratefully acknowledged by the hon. treasurer, A. B. Daniell, Esq., Fairchildeo, Warlingham ; or by the secretary, Women's Holiday Fund, 76 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, S.W. I enclose a report with balance-sheet. —I am, Sir, &c., HELEN A. POWNALL (Member of the Executive Committee of the Women's Holiday Fund).
7f Pickenhall Mansions, Gloucester Place, W.
P.S.—I think it well to add that the society is quite un- denominational.