The House Of Lords. Pro The Xditcht Op The . Sphotatoil1
SIR, -,a,t the present moment, when the question of the advisability of a Second Chamber, and of the claim of the House of Lords to supply satisfactorily such a Chamber•, is......
An Upper House.
[To MR EDITOR or TER .. EPROTATOR.1 Sit, — Political problems follow each other fast in England . That of an Upper House is not without practical interest for us here. In your......
The Referendum.
pro THE EDITOR 01THE 1311110I/TO Sla,—The article in your issue of May 4th headed "The House of Lords and the Referendum " is interesting, but not convincing to Canadians, who......
The House Of Lords: Life Peerages. Pro Ass Eons. Or
taw .. E1P.Cf ATOR:1 SIR, It is not always realised how soon the creation of life Peers, and of life Peers only, would modify the character of the House of Lords to a great......
The Government And The Future. (to The Editor Or Ebb
•• Brzerma.") Sra,—I have no wish for controversy, and note with satisfac- tion that for you, as for me, Free-trade stands before all else. As to your main comment on my letter......