Slang In The Classics.
[To TEE EDITOR or THE "SPROTAT06.1 SID, —In your article in the issue of May 18th you say that in Greek or Latin there is no slang, except one discovers it in Aristophanes or......
Sons Of The Parsonage.
ITO TIIR EDITOR Op TOR "SPRCTATOR.'J your review of Mr. Kebbel's " Tory Memories" in the Spectator of June 8th you certainly depart from your usual moderation of language, and......
[to Tim Editor Or Toe Spzotator.'] Trust That You May
find it possible to allow these remarks upon a previous letter to appear in the Spectator. " Major " of thirty years' service in his letter of June 8th states that the utility......
Cadet Corps And Rifle-shooting For Elementary-school Boys.
[TO rim EDITOR OP TR' "SPECTATOR." J Srn,—The number of young men who join the Volunteers after having served in a Cadet corps is so small as to be a negligible quantity. The......