Belgium And The Congo.
[To vs. Eorros or yes “SrsarArOs.".1 Henri Lavalette is in error when be 'aye (Spectator, June 15th) that all political parties in Belgium are in favour of taking over the......
Old-age Pensions.
IVO Tee EDITOR or Tun "aplapparaR,^] SiRo--In your footnote to Sir Francis Channing's letter• in the Spectator of June 15th you refer to "old-age pensions, with the necessary......
Unionists And " The Spectre."
[To Tex EDITOR or THZ.SPECTATOR21 Sift,—in the interests of historical accuracy, and in order that readers of the Spectator may not draw an incorrect inference from the Queen's......
The Government And The Future. (to The Editor Or Ebb
•• Brzerma.") Sra,—I have no wish for controversy, and note with satisfac- tion that for you, as for me, Free-trade stands before all else. As to your main comment on my letter......
The Penalty Of Good Work.
[To Tee EinToR or vas 'bnrvxoa.•'7 Sin,—In the Spectator of the 15th Wit. you point out that the Nationalists forced the Government to get rid of Sir Horace Plunkett because he......