Mr. Pal went on to recommend the formation in every
town and village of organisations for the performance of the Raksbi Kali poojah every Amabathya night. " With drums, torches, music and fireworks, vast congregations should assemble and sacrifice a hundred and one white living goats." Such meetings would not be prohibited by the Government, and would have a grand meaning and do wonders. Then follows a passage of sinister significance. "As they all knew, at one time chupatis had done wonders." Our readers will remember that the circulation of chupatis, or small cake from village to village was the precursor of the Mutiny. The Times points out that after Mr. Pal bad made this speech he seems to have thought he had sailed rather too near the wind. His own paper, the Bande Materairi; tfierefcire declared that the report which had appeared in its own columns had been published by mistake and that its accuracy was doubtfuL The paper went on to say that its editor's remarks "were distorted in the process of summarising."