IIaADABLZ Novms.—The Widda-Man. By T. Kingston Clarke. (A. Constable and
Co. 6s.)—A tale of life in the Isle of Man, told with simplicity and no little power.—Captain Darner. , By Frank Frankfort Moore. (Cassell and Co. Os.)—An Irish Officer, captured at Drogheda, goes through various experiences at the Plantations.—The Remnant. By Charles Marriott. (Eveleigh Nash. 438.)—The life and love of certain of the "seven thousand . who have not bowed the knee to Baal."—Three Comrades. By Gustav Preussen. (A. Constable and Co. 8s.)—A tale of life in North Germany, not very easy to follow, but worth the trouble. —The Countess of Maybury. By W. B. Maxwell. (Methuen and. Co. 6s.)—A clever satirical sketch, in a series of letters, of a modern society lady. —The Tower Maiden. By Herbert C. Macilwaine. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. 8s. 65. net.)—A fan- . testis story of old Germany and modern life, with an admixture of poetry and mysticism.