The Oxford Historical Pageant Book of Words. (Pageant Committee, Oxford.
2a.)—Any one who had not the good fortune to see the pageant itself should at least get this book of words and pictures. These two together, with the help of imagination, should enable him to realise the scene. The "words" are of g9 common li4rett9 kind. Mr. Robert Bridges,. Professor licalausliu, as Messrs. Godley and Quiller-Conch are among the contributors, and the pictures are reproduced from old MSS., engravings, Ac. Here is a stanza from Mr. Bridges'a "Invitation Ode " :— " Praise her, the mother of celestial moods, Who o'er the saints' inviolate arm Huth stared her robe of fair beatitudes With jewels were by Hellas, on the day She grow from girlhood into wisdom gay ; And bath laid by her erokior, ever more With both hands gathering to enrich her store. And make her courts with music ring alway."
The scenes are :—"The Beginnings of the City : St. Frideawk199" "The Coronation of Harold Barefoot," " Theebaldas Stamponsie: the Beginnings of the 'University," "Henry IL and Fair Rosamund," " St. Scholastica's Day "—will the Mayor come with a rope round his neck, as he did not a century since ?—" The Masque of Mediaeval Learning," " lienry VEIL and Woleey; "The Funeral of Amy Robsart," "State Progress of Queen Elizabeth," "James I.," "Charles I.," "Laud," "The Surrender of Oxford," "Rxpulsion of the Fellows of Magdalen," "George III. Oxford."