.Another amendment, moved on Tuesday, was that of Lord Robert
Cecil, providing that Northern Ireland should remain " in all respects part of the United Kingdom." We are deeply interested in this proposal as we think we are right in saying that it was originally made in the Spectator. We suggested that as North Emit Ulster desired nothing more, in the words which Sir Edward Carson continually uses, than " to be left alone," she should be goVerned simply as .a county of England. After all she would be no more remote from the centre of govern- ment than many parte of Scotland. Sir Edward Canon strongly supported the amendment. We cannot summarise all that he said, but in general he took the line that he would much prefer this solution to any other, but that if it were defeated he would nevertheless accept the dense in the Bill giving a separate Northern Parliament to the six county area. Mr. Long firmly opposed the amendment and it was beaten by 201 votes against 80.