Ifit. LETTERS OF HENRY JAMES.* THE distinguished author whose letters are preserved in these two handsome volumes would, we have no doubt, feel justly proud of so worthy a......
Memorial To Sir Hubert Parry.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SFECTITOR-"3 Sia,—In order to allow time for answers to the appeal to arrive from the Dominions, the list will be kept open for a while longer. The......
"from Authority To Freedom."
[To THE EDITOR OE THE " SPECTATOE."] Sia,—May I be permitted to point out that the correct title of " The Spiritual Pilgrimage of Charles Hargrove" is From Authority to Freedom,......
DREAM-SHIPS. every night at six o'clock, As punctual aa the postman's knock, Our dream-ships -from the dreamland seas Sailed back upon a homeward breeze, Bearing piled high in......
The Laundry Problem.
[To 'THE -EDITOR or THE " SPECEATOR."] Sia,—A Scotch friend kindly sends the Spectator to me, which I appreciate greatly. I fully agree with all that the writer on the laundry......
The Theatre.
" A GRAIN OF M1JSTARD SEED "—THE AMBASSADORS. Ma. 1lAnwoon's play is about as good as a play could be that was not literature. A little more and it would have reached the level......
Notice.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Communicated," the Editor ,meet not necessarily be held to -be' in agreement with the views 'therein expressed - or-with......
[we Regret That Sir Arthur Lawley's Name At The End
of the letter which we published last week appealing for support for the Child Emigration Society was printed as "Sawley." After examining the MS. we are bound to say that the......