Thli Price Of Coal. (to The Editor Or The "
SPECTATOR.") SIR, —The Government has abolished the subsidy on coal to tits general public, but the subsidy on the coal used by the collier in his-own house still continues.......
Fto The Editor Or The " Spectator.") Sir, — I Appeal To
England's Sense of justice through your columns on behalf of the Royal Irish Constabulary, a body of men chosen for their good character, whose ranks are being depleted daily by......
The Peace Policy Of President Wilson. (to The Editor Of
THE " SPECTATOR.") Sis,—Neither the Spectator nor its readers would dream of entering upon a discussion of the affairs of any foreign country (and especially of the affairs of......
The Late Lord Guthrie—a Personal Apprecia- Tion.
(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR, — As an English writer to an English paper, I want to record my humble appreciation of a great Scotsman. I cannot write of Lord Guthrie......