A Nation's Heritage. By H. D. Rawnsley. (g. -allen And
Unwin. 6s. net.)—Canon Rawnsley's attractive book describes in detail the famous scenes and the delightful old houses in the West of England and in Wales that are now under the......
The Evangelical Revival. By S. Baring-gould. (methuen....
what Johnson called " a good hater." He hates Papists, Puritans, Dissenters, Evangelicals, Latitudinarians—in short, all who are not of the straitest sect of Anglicanism ; and......
Toasts, Rakes And Cita. (philip Allan. 5s. Net.)—the...
this neat little volume in the " Pilgrim's Books " conceals a pleasant selection of •papers from Steele and Addison's Waller. 'which is much less familiar to the present......
A Concise Chronicle Of Events Of The Great War. By
R. P. P. Rowe. (PhilipAllan. 10s. 6d. net.)—We can heartily commend Captain Rowe's scholarly record of the war. It is concise, clear, and accurate. There is a good index, and......
The Sixteenth. Annual Report Of The National...
headquarters are at Hertford House, Manchester Square, shows that the Society made important additions to the national collections -last year. It played a part, with the......
Correspomlence Of Jean Baptiste Carrier. Collected And...
H. Carrier. (Lane. 15s. net.)—Carrier was the commissioner sent by the Convention to Brittany in 1793-4 to suppress the " brigands " who disliked the atheistical revolution. He......
Girton College Celebrated Its Jubilee Last Summer. Old...
others interested in women's education may like to know that a full account of the proceedings appears in a .special Jubilee number of the Girton Review (Cambridge. 'Deighton,......
Forage 'crops In Denmark. By Harold Faber. (longmans....
farmer ought to read this book, not only for the technical information about root and grass crops but also as an example of scientific method applied to agriculture. Mr. Faber,......
Some Books Of The Week.
[X -lice is this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent rev;eu% The Shaping Forces of Modern Religious Thought : a Historr, of Theological Development. By Archibald B.......