1-1" we may take quite literally what. the Lord Chancellor
said in the House of Lords on Wednesday, the new policy in Ireland is to be a real thing. Lord Birkenhead pointed out that the Sinn Fein challenge to the power of this country was a movement more difficult to deal with than an open military insurrection, but the Government were determined to make it clear that they would shrink from nothing. "The force and resolution of this country are as deeply committed to carry to success our purpose in Ireland as they were inexorably com- mitted to carry through our purpose in the late war. Plainer language than that it is impossible to use and I have used it with the authority and on behalf of all my colleagues." Lord Birkenhead added that if the troops at present in Ireland were insufficient, more would be- sent over. The only limit to the number that would be sent was the extent and degree of the crisis. If it were necessary to increase the Army specially for the purpose, that also would be done.