We have written elsewhere of the significance and the prospects
of the new policy in Ireland. We must turn now to the pro- ceedings in the Committee stage of the Home Rule Bill in the House of Commons. On Tuesday Sir Samuel Hoare moved an amendment to establish a Senate in the Southern portion of Ireland. Mr. Long replied that in drafting their scheme the Government had always intended it to be part of a Federal plan. They believed that in a Federal system the best security for a minority—and of course Sir. Samuel Hoare was mainly and quite rightly concerned with the protection of the Southern Unionists—was really to be found in a central Parliament. " If," he said, " you interpose a Second Chamber you make it more difficult for the central Parliament to interfere." Mr. Long then went on to state that the Government were fully conscious of the necessity of giving all, possible protection to minorities and that they proposed to do this by allowing the creation of Upper Houses in both the Southern and Northern Parliaments.