[To THE Epava _or 'nu " SrscrAren."9.
SIR,—As one of the honorary, consultants of the. Birmingham.
• Poor Man's Lawyer Associations for over tea, years, I have been. consulted: in ,hundreds of cases by poor men and women con- cerning matrimonial differences and., unfaithfulness.. I should like, therefore, to endorsathe views.expressed, by Lord lleneege in his letter published is the Spectator of May 1st, regarding. the,proposed.change, eft venue from the County Courts., to the Assizes. If it is really proposed to bring• the relief, within. the reach of the: poorer classere I say, without fear of contradiction, that this. aim. will net be. attained unless., jurie,- diction is. given, to the County Courts., It is one of my- most painful dutiea to have to inform those who- consult me, week by week, that even :under the Poor Persons Rides-of the -High, Court the "out-of-pocket expenses" which they must fled will amount to. £20, or ..625,. orr more for a divorce. They go, away disappointed, and I feel they suffer a great injustice which. ought to be remedied in. this country, .even if the " grenade " for divorce, remain. unaltered. On this; latter point I trust the, grounds wilt be made the same for. both sexes.—I am, Sir, &o., C: E. BARRER, Solicitor- (Clerk to the Justices-elect for Birmingham). Victoria Courts, Birmingham,