THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I be allowed to trespass again on your kindness in appealing once more to your readers for- a cause which they have been good enough to support in the-past when brought to their notice. through your columns ? The Gomshali Clergy Rest, which has been such a. boon to so many hard-worked and over-strained clergy for nearly eleven years, is now in danger of having, to be closed down altogether unless immediate help. is forthcoming.
During the past two and a half years the work has been carried- on at Weston Lodge, Albury, a house- of which the committee were fortunate in securing the end of the. lease. This, however, has- now terminated, and the house- has. been relet on a long- lease as from September next. In the present housing crisis the committee can see no other way of continuing this work, the cessation of which would mean an added depriva- tion to so many of the poorer clergy, except by the purchase or building of a house. We, therefore, earnestly appeal to the. sympathy of your readers to help us in the great effort we are, making to prevent this extra hardship from falling upon the clergy, whose cup of endurance is already so full. Those- who are not- in sympathy with the. building scheme are asked. to contribute towards the Maintenance Fund for this year, which is in great need of help owing to the increased cost of living.
All contributions for either purpose will be gratefully re- ceived by the. Hon. Treasurer, J. E. C. Hordern, Esq., Weston Lodge, Albury, Surrey.—I am, Sir, &c., W. 0. E. Cherrzeter.