Every recruit for the Republican army is sworn to secrecy
by the most solemn oath under penalty of death. Treason against the Council is defined as " any wilful act or word calculated to defeat the cause of Irish Independence or subserve the interests of the British or any other foreign Government." This is a broad way of saying that anybody who -is suspected by the Brotherhood, or is obnoxious to it, must expect to be assassi- nated. The unit of the Brotherhood is the Circle with an officer at its head. The Circles are grouped in districts and each Circle is instructed to watch the proceedings of other Circles—in other words to keep them in order by spying upon them and giving them away. No doubt the .Morning Post has satisfied itself of the genuineness of this document. It is satisfactory to know that the most malign powers in Ireland are concentrated in one secret society. Surely the intelligence department in Ireland should be equal to breaking up the Brotherhood before long.