M. Millerand, the French Premier, joined Mr. Lloyd George at
Lympne, near Hythe, on Friday week and remained in conference with him till Sunday. It is said that they agreed to postpone the meeting with the German Chancellor at Spa till June 21st, after the German eleotions. It is further said that they resolved to uphold and enforce the Peace Treaty as a whole, especially the disarmament clauses which Germany continues to evade. An official note issued on Sunday dealt with the real subject of the conference, namely, the German indemnity. nxperts would meet to suggest " a minimum total for the German debt which will be capable of acceptation by the Allies and at the same time compatible with Germany's capacity to pay." It is inferred from the cryptic terms of the note that Mr. Lloyd George agreed to postpone the repayment of British loans to France until after France had received the indemnity from Germany for the wanton destruction of the northern depart- ments. France, that is to say, will pay her debts to us in propor- tion as Germany pays her debts to France. Thus the British Government will have a direct interest in keeping Germany to her word unless they wish to remit the French loan.