Touch Him If You Dare ! written by Juliana Horatio
Ewing, and pictured by R. Andr6 ; and Dolly's Housekeeping, by the same author (S.P.C.K.), are, as we might expect, very amusing. We know by experience that the children like the quaint recitative in which Mrs.
Ewing tells her little stories, and Mr. Andr6's excellent drawings. They will not find the entertainment provided for them in these little books fall short of their expectations.—In Dandy Dar- win's Dovecot, from the same publishers, Mrs. Ewing has called in the aid of Mr. Randolph Caldecott as illustrator. This is a really beautiful little story, of a lad who, taken from the workhouse to serve an eccentric old master, rises by his fidelity and courage to be the head of a happy and prosperous home. Nothing could be better told than the history of Jack March, his honest ambition, his loyalty to duty, his faithful love, and his success ; and Mr. Caldeoott's sketches are not unequal to that which they illustrate.