Colonisation Within Europe.
LTO THE EDTIOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your article of the 8th inst., on German colonisation, you speak as if all Europe were too fully peopled to admit of colonisation......
Old Age.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " EPECTATOR."] Sin,—" The falling away of the personal horizon" is an expres- sion used by your last correspondent which recalls some beautiful lines,......
" Annus Sanctus."
TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Whilst thanking you for your generous, appreciative review, I ask leave to explain one point in the compilation of the book of which you......
A DUBLIN STREET DANCE. THERE'S nothing in life like a Jig or a Reel ; First a tap with your toe, then a drum with your heel, And now doable-shuffle, and next heel-and-toe, And......
A Correction.
jTO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—In your "Current Literature" column last week, you write of the annual volume of "Good Words" :—" Among the more important papers, we......
Mn. JULIAN HAWTHORNE has given us here a very charming picture of the relations of his father and mother, and has con- trived to convince us how much of the tranquillity and......