Current Literature.
GIFT-BOOKS. The Mystery of Beechey Grange. By the Rev. H. C. Adams. (Griffith and Farran.)—The "mystery " is not of much account. He mast be a very inexperienced reader who......
We Have Noticed, We Think, Before Rambles About London Town,
by C. L. Mateaux (Cassell and Co.), but we may recommend it for a convenient account, adorned with plenty of illustrations, of the sights of London.......
Stuff And Nonsense. By A. B. Frost. (nimmo.)—it Is Always
difficult to say whether nonsense is or is not too nonsensical or nonsensical enough. The drawings in the highly exaggerated French style, and the verses, which are decidedly......
.4 Boy Hero. By W. W. B. Illustrated By H.
J. A. Miles. (Wells Gardner, Darton, and Co.)—This is a pathetic little story, founded on fact, of a child of six, who strips himself of his clothing to keep a younger child of......
Touch Him If You Dare ! Written By Juliana Horatio
Ewing, and pictured by R. Andr6 ; and Dolly's Housekeeping, by the same author (S.P.C.K.), are, as we might expect, very amusing. We know by experience that the children like......
Types And Antitypes Of Christ. (s.p.c.k.)—this Elegant...
one page hymns, well selected from the best sources, and on the other corresponding passages from the Old and New Testament, with appropriate illustrations. The pages are......
Have, We Are Glad To See, Reached A Second Edition;
as have also The Children's Journey, and Other Stories, by the Author of "Voyage en Zigzag ;" and Marquis and Rosette, and the Easter Daisy, by the Baroness E. Martineau de......
Little People Of Asia. By Olive Thorne Miller. (griffith And
Farran.)—Children undoubtedly like to hear about other children, and here they may have their taste amply gratified. Miss Miller tells, in a style perhaps too condescendingly......
The Mela At Tulsipur. By The Rev. B. H. Badley.
(Religious Tract Society.)-1 " tnela " is a religious fair, something, we may presume, like a Breton pardon ; and Mr. Badley, who gives as a second title to his book—" Glimpses......
Mr. James Payn On His Literary Life.*
Tins book is of a pleasant quality, but there is not enough of it. It reminds us of the often-quoted " Marchioness's " experi - ence of beer. Mr. Payn gives us only a series of......
The Princess Nobody : A Tale Of Fairyland. By Andrew
Lang. After the Drawings of Richard Doyle. (Longmans.)—Mr. Lang writes a fairy story, and writes it as may be supposed, very well, to suit the well-known drawings of goblins,......
The Rosebud Annual (james Clarke And Co.) Has An Ample
supply of illustrations, among which are some "slate pictures" (adapted thus for drawing upon a transparent slate), and very simple and easy letterpress. These between them......
The Band Of Mercy Guide To Natural History. By Vernon
S. Mor- wood. (John Hogg.) —It is an excellent idea to connect the know- ledge of Nature with the thought of kindness and tenderness to dependent creatures. Much o? the......
The Seven Ages Of Man. (t. Fisher Unwin.)—here We Have
illus. tmtions_photogmvures from original paintings—of the passage in "As You Like IL" The last of the seven is not very intelligible. The " Justice " should, we think, have......
Story Land. By Sydney Grey. Illustrated By Robert Barnes....
Tract Society.)—Here are various stories of country life of various kinds, some relating some little incident of ordinary life, some, as " The Wayward Chicken," a little in Hans......
The Sweet Story Of Old. By Hesba Stretton. (religions Tract
Society.) —This simple rendering of the Gospel story has long been a favourite of mire. It now appears in a handsome volume with coloured illustrations.......
Present, And Where Occasion Offers And Space Permits,...
bearing on artistic matter, some criticism on the artist, or other appropriate matter. We are somewhat tired of this particular form of literature; but " The Birthday-book of......