Types and Antitypes of Christ. (S.P.C.K.)—This elegant volume has on
one page hymns, well selected from the best sources, and on the other corresponding passages from the Old and New Testament, with appropriate illustrations. The pages are further adorned by borders, initials, &c.--With this may be mentioned The Story of the Life of Jesus. By the Author of "The Story of the Bible." (Hodder and Stoughton.)—The records of the New Testament are here put into easy language—(without, however, the affectation of words of one syllable)—such as children may find "easy to read and understand." The illustrations are numerous, and, for the most part, of good quality.—The Old Story of Bethlehem : One Link in the Great Pedi- gree, by the Author of "Chronicles of the Schonberg-Gotta Family" (S.P.C.K.), is a rendering of the Book of Ruth. It is very well done, all the points of the beautiful narrative being excellently brought out. The illustrations are not so much to our taste. Surely these Eastern women could not have had these blonde complexions ?