Messrs. Meiasner And Buch (leipsic)—represented In This...
Schwenckert and W. G. Wallis, 112 Fleet Street—have sent us a box of their Fac-simile Water-Colour Cards. Messrs. Meissner and Bach are endeavouring to carry chrome-lithography......
The Wreck Of The 'nancy Bell.' By John C. Hutcheson.
(Blackie and Son.)—" Cast Away on Kerguelen Land" is the second title of this story. Between the two it is sufficiently well described. There is shipwreck and there is life on a......
Miss Kate Greenaway Sends Us A Very Pretty Little Almanack
for 1885, illustrated by herself in colours. The figures of the months are prettily designed. There are also figures of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter as girls, and two......
True To The Old Flag. By G. I. Heap. (blackie
and Son.) —Mr. Henty tells us here a story of the American War of Independence, and puts us on the side which has not generally been the favourite with the writers of......
Adventures In Field, Flood, And Forest. (blackie And...
we have some twenty "stories of danger and daring." They have been diligently sought for in many out-of-the-way quarters. Indeed, many of them will be new to most readers. And......
Messrs. Mansell And Co. (271 And 273 Oxford Street), Have
sent us specimens of their Christmas and New. Year's Cards,—some of them coloured photographs of sea-pieces, which are very pretty ; some delicate facsimiles of designs in......
In His Courts. By Margaret E. Hayes. (s.p.c.k.)—this Is A
thoroughly well-intentioned book, and not without some literary merit, but scarcely successful as a story.......
Guide, Philosopher, And Friend. By Mrs. Herbert Martin....
Farran.)—Phillis Carr, who is acting as companion to a distant relative, and endures all the miseries that her situation can mean, falls-in at a watering-place with a family of......
Still Waters, By Edward Garrett. (oliphant, Andersen, And...
"story for quiet hours," as Mr. Garrett calls it, is scarcely a story at all, so slight is the thread of incident, Sarah Russell, who has missed "what every woman counts her......
A Turbulent Town. By Edward N. Hoare, M.a. (s.p.c.k.)— This
"story of the Arteveldts " takes us back to a period of great events and great emotions. Mr. Hoare has before proved his power to blend fiction with history, and we gladly......
Charlie Asgarcle : The Story Of A Friendship. By Alfred
St. John- ston. (Macmillan and Co.)—Mr. St. Johnston has mixed his in- gredients with admirable skill, and made a story which ought to be a great favourite with the young. There......
Present, And Where Occasion Offers And Space Permits,...
bearing on artistic matter, some criticism on the artist, or other appropriate matter. We are somewhat tired of this particular form of literature; but " The Birthday-book of......
The Magazine Of Art. (cassell And Co.)—the Seventh Annual...
of this magazine is now before us, and keeps up to the average of its predecessors. The frontispiece is an etching, "Lady Bountiful," by Robert W. Macbeth, A.R.A., in which the......