Mr. Childers on Monday stated that he expeoteci a slight
in- crease on the estimated revenue of the' year, and that as regarded expenditure the savings would cover the supplementary esti- mates in all the ordinary departments. But the Nile Expedi- tion would involve, besides the 2300,000 already voted, 21,000,000 for the Army and 2324,000 for the Navy, while the Bechuana Expedition would involve 2675,000 for the Army and 250,000 for the Navy. That makes in all 22,349,000. Mr. Childers did not propose to increase the indirect taxation at this late period of the year. That increase would create a great disturbance of trade for a very inadequate result, since that result would only affect four months. He proposed to add id. to the Income- tax, which will., yield in the end 21,920,000, and will yield before the end of the financial year 21,200,000. The deficiency he hoped to make up for the year out of the balances, and to recoup himself next year, when the remaining parts of the extra penny would be recovered. This proposal, of course, after a short discussion, was agreed to by the House.