The Pope has sent through the Nuncio in France a
very severe rebuke to the Roman Catholic journalists who, on the strength of their claim to be more orthodox than their own Bishops, attack the theology of such men as the late Bishop Dupanloup, and fulminate against every shade of Catholicism that does not cry-up the authority of the Pope. Surely the Ultramontane journalists will be compelled either to turn heretical or to obey. The Pope is "handselling the Apostolical weapons against the Apostolical party," as Dr. Newman said long ago of our own Bishops when they united in an almost unanimous condemnation of himself and his brother Tract. writers. The successor of M. Veuillot may obey, or he may, if he pleases, abandon the Holy See, and become a Dollingerite ; but he can hardly maintain that be himself is a better repre- sentative of the authority of the Holy See than the Pope. As a rule, nevertheless, no authority, however final on their own principles, succeeds in putting down recalcitrant journalists. Journalism often patronises authority, but never submits to it.