[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
enterprising elementary school-master, in a tiny Welsh village, has lately started a bi-lingual school magazine with Welsh and English contributions. There are delightful drawings of square animals with a leg at each corner by members of the infant class, some apparently ambitious Welsh poetry, and among the English contributions the
following essay by a little boy on " Things I Would. Like To Buy " :- " I would very much like to buy a motor-boat, for it would be grand fun to go down the river in it, fishing on the way. Another thing I would like to buy is a field or a hill-side, full of trees and caves where I could play. I would like to have it swarming with wild beasts—small ones that would not eat me, and I would get a gun, or a bow-and-arrow to shoot them. It would be grand to pretend to be Robinson Crusoe. I would also like to buy a monkey, one with a long tail, so that he could hang by it, to gather nuts for Inc. If he ate them without my permission, I would beat him. These are some of the things I would like to buy."
School-masters and parents all know the difficulty of getting spontaneity in this sort of thing, but I think what I have
quoted has the authentic ring.--I am, Sir, &c.,