Egbert. By W. A. Darlington. (herbert Jenkins. 7s. 6d....
Mr. Anstey had never written about the Arabian Djinn who escaped from the bottle Mr. Darlington's Egbert would be an original and amusing book. Unfortunately, however, the......
The Scrap Heap. By Geraldine Waife. (chapman And Hall. 7s.
ad. net.)—The Unlit Lamp. By Radclyffe Hall. (Cassell. 7s. 6d. net.)—Both The Scrap Heap and The Unlit Lamp present pictures concerned with the actions and reactions of women on......
_ Finance
PUBLIC AND PRIVATE [By OUR CITY EDITOR.] DEBT REDEMPTION o a Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—Although the Government conversion operation announced during the past week is not a......
Other Novels
Bee.0 Geste. By P. C. Wren. (John Murray. 7s. 6d. net.) —This novel has cne of the best sensational openings which have appeared for years. The description of the fort in the......
The Seine Mystery. By Cleveland Moffett. (melrose. 7s....
surprising adventures of an American journalist in Paris. The main part of the book is successful enough to compensate for a decidedly clumsy opening.......
The Broken Bow. By L. Allen Harker. (john Murray. 7s.
Od. net.)—A sentimental little story of a budding school friendship between two girls of different social status, which is put an end to by death. The indirect results, however,......