We Wish, All The Same, That Lord Parmoor Had Not
assumed that so much of the dislike of the Geneva Protocol comes from those who at heart mistrust the whole idea of the League. It is certain that there are a great many ardent......
The Liberal Party Is Not Only Fighting For Its Existence
against external opponents but is also suffering from an internal struggle which must be decided before the party can make outward progress. The Daily News of Friday, November......
The Sunday Times Of Last Sunday Published An Article On
the future of British shipping by Lord Inchcape which was cheerful reading. Lord Inchcape declares his belief that the needs of the world in the way of manu- factures,......
Signs Are Gathering That The New Postmaster-general Sir...
will be urged when Parliament meets to restore penny postage. As the Post Office has a surplus there is no reason at all why he should not do this. If, however, the principle on......
If Captain Wedgwood Benn Spoke For The Majority Of The
forty Liberal members the end of Mr. Lloyd George's great influence in the party would be within sight, but it seems that Mr. Lloyd George's followers have a slight majority.......
On Tuesday, The Air Minister, Sir Samuel Hoare, Inspected...
new Air Station at Cardington, near Bedford. It is proposed that Cardington shall be the departure and arrival point for airships carrying Imperial mails. The great airship,......
Of Course, Rowland Intl Made The Additional Dis- Covery,...
was the really original thing in his agita- tion, that a uniform 1d. postage for all distances would pay. He based his belief on the fact that the handling of a letter—that is......
The Cabinet Has Decided Not To Sell The State's Shares
in the Anglo-Persian Oil Company. The British Govern- mentowns five million out of roughly nine million ordinary shares issued by the Company. Last year an offer of a little......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 3 Per Cent.
July 5th, 1923, 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 1011a - ; Thursday week, 101). ; a year ago, 1001. 3k per cent. Conversion Loan was on Thursday, 79 ; Thursday week, 791 ;......