Signs are gathering that the new Postmaster-General Sir William Mitchell-Thomson,
will be urged when Parliament meets to restore penny postage. As the Post Office has a surplus there is no reason at all why he should not do this. If, however, the principle on which the Post Office should work is properly regarded it will be seen that the justification of the penny post even in these days does not conic from the mere existence of a surplus. Rowland Hill made the great discovery that the Postal Service did not pay simply because the charges were excessive. He did not say " To reduce the charge nine-fold will mean a nine-fold loss." That is an argument worthy only of men who base their policy on paper arguments. He said rather, " The Postal Service is utterly inadequate and does not pay simply because too much is charged. If we reduce the postage to id. the vastly increased use of the Post Office will bring in such a revenue as was never dreamed of."
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