The Horror And Sorrow Expressed By The Egyptian...
no doubt, sincere. The Egyptians have nothing to gain and everything to lose by such atrocities, and probably the officials know it. Nevertheless, Zaghlul Pasha and his......
Last Saturday Afternoon In The Egyptian Parliament...
consternation by announcing that his health no longer permitted him to remain in office and that he had just tendered his resignation to King Fuad. Both Houses immediately......
We Wish, All The Same, That Lord Parmoor Had Not
assumed that so much of the dislike of the Geneva Protocol comes from those who at heart mistrust the whole idea of the League. It is certain that there are a great many ardent......
Much Excitement Has Been Caused In France By The Publication
in the (Euvre of extracts which are said to have been taken from the note-books of the late M. Georges Louis. M. Louis was French Ambassador at St. Petersburg from 1909 to 1913,......
His Failure To Make Any Impression Upon The British...
with regard to the Sudan and the retention of British troops in Egypt earned for him, of course, a good deal of criticism, the bitterness of which was in proportion to the......
The French Parliament Has Shown A Wise Magnanimity In...
to amnesty M. Caillaux. Since 1918 he had forfeited all civil rights and had also been for some time in prison. In the circumstances of the War his con- viction was......
It Has Been Known Ever Since The First Publication Of
the official papers that Russia mobilized before war was certain. Those who lay, as we do, by far the greatest proportion of the blame upon Germany recognize that Russia could......
Lord Parmoor Sent A Letter To The Times Of Monday
in which he said that much of the criticism of the Geneva Protocol came from persons who really objected to the principle of the League of Nations as such. " When a policy is......