The " Nationalists " in Ireland ere much delighted with
a lecture given by the (Lev. G. M'Cutcheon, rector of !Kenmore, county Kerry, nominally on Slr.'Grattan, but really ,on Repeal. He professed himself, though a l'rotestant and a beneficed clergyman, an ardent Repealer, demanded a restoration of the native Parliament, and declared that crime had been wilfully allowed to increase in order to afford an .excuse for a detestable Coercion Bill. Mr. Macdonald, another clergyman present, argued that the old Irish Parliament had been corrupt, and the new one would be no better ; but the majority of the meeting were with the Nationalist. In Longford, Captain Harman, the Tory candidate, has professed his viillingness to consider repeal, and in Ulster the Tenant-Right Leagues profess dissatisfaction with the Laud Bill. They want the "Ulster custom " to be legalized, that is, the practice of paying the out-going tenant for his good-will, and not the Ulster usages, which vary on every estate.