An Important Meeting Of Delegates From Different Trades...
in Manchester on Wednesday to consider the Education Bill. The delegates were unanimous in favour of compulsion on parents and of free admission,—the remission of school fees......
The Annual Volunteer Review Came Off On Monday At Brighton,
but was not marked by any incident. Some 26,000 Volunteers .attended, and no case of breach of discipline was reported ; but the military critics say the officers understood......
A Storm Broke Over Buenos Ayres On March 9, The
accOunts of which tax the credulity even of men accustomed to the tropics. We can believe anything of wind and anything of "flood," that is, of water collected in masses and......
The Australian Governments, Particularly That Of New...
devising elaborate plans to attract immigrants. Lands are to be set apart, and immigrants to be tested by their willingness to work for them, and all manner of restrictions are......
The Tenant-right Associations Of Ulster Are Discontented...
Bill. They say the alterations injure it, that they want the Ulster custom, and not the usages of each separate estate ; that the landlord retains the power of capriciously......
The Dean And Chapter Of Westminster Have Resolved To Throw
open the Abbey gratis on every Monday in the year. On Easter Monday it was visited by about 12,000 persons, who commented on the monuments, noticed with keen interest the fine......
Mr. G. H. Moore, Member For Mayo, And Perhaps The
only avowed and determined Nationalist left in the House of Commons, died on Tuesday of apoplexy. Though rash and impulsive in speech, and devoted to a policy which would be......
Dr. Forbes, Bishop Of Brechin, Has Not A Bad Notion
of -a compromise. The Scottish Episcopalian Church, like the Church of Ireland, is just now very much agitated about the eplace of the "laity" in the ecclesiastical system. They......
It Is A Fixed Rule Of Discipline That Officers Of
the Army and Nay1 must not hold political meetings or send up mass petitions, or combine in any way whatever to influence the Government, and there is reason for the rule. Such......
It Is Said To Be Almost Certain That The American
income-tax will disappear next year. For this year it is to be reduced to 3 per cent., and even this compromise was with difficulty accepted by the Senate, where, it must be......