MICHAELMAS DAISIES. DAISIES on the emerald lawn, Daisies rosy-white for dawn,- Rosy-white for summer's dawn ; Michaelmas daisies grey and drear, Dusk in the dusky close of the......
Letters To The Editor.
CONFRATERNITIES FOR STUDY AMONG WORKING- MEN. [TO 11111 EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Sm,—Just now that Canon Weatcott's:paper and your article upon it have called public attention......
DR. BRENTANO ON GILDS AND TRADE UNIONS.* THE late Mr. Toulmin Smith had in his life-time almost completed for the Early English Text Society an edition of "The Original......
Irish Caprice.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I remark that the Spectator's article of the 16th on "Irish Caprice" is too transcendental ? To those who understand Ireland, there......