Old Stories Retold. By Walter Thornbary. (chapman And...
"old stories " are drawn from the annals of the last hundred and fifty years. Some of them, we cannot but think, it would have been better to have loft them in such oblivion as......
Ederline: A Legend, By C. L. P. (hatchards), Is Not
easy to read ; old- English is rather worse than MS., and, though tolerably fluent verse, scarcely repays the trouble. E. A. S.'s illustrations are of moderately good quality,......
Christopher Kenrick : His Life And Adventures. By Joseph...
2 vols. (Bradbury and Evans.)—Mr. Kenrick writes the story of his life, which is mainly that of a writer for the press, and roads it as he writes, to an audience of his own......
We Have Received A Publication Of The "art Union Of
London," a set of twenty very spirited illustrations by Mr. H. C. Selous of Mr. Charles Kingsley's " Hereward the Wake." The public taste has taken another direction since the......
Among Scientific And Technical Works We Have To...
°citing's Six Lectures on Carbon (Longmans), reprinted from the Chemical News, with notes by Mr. Crookes. These lectures were delivered to a juvenile auditory.—A Dictionary of......
Christabel Kingscote. By Emma Marshall. (seeleys.)—this...
well written, with some especially bright little sketches of North-Devonshire scenery. We can recommend it to readers who want a story told with a religious feeling that is......
Sidney Bellew. By Francis Francis. 2 Vols....
aeries of sporting experiences in the Highlands, with occasional anec- dotes gathered from other sources, joined together by a thread of story. The "sporting" part is good. Here......
.1. Ii. B. Let. Obe's Hints For Six Months In
Europe (Lippincott and Co., Philadelphia, U.S.; Triibner and Co., London), may be found a useful guide not only for his American countrymen, but also f it. English travellers.......
Ourselves : A Series Of Essays On Women. By E.
Lynn Linton. (Routledge.)—This is a book well worth reading, or, should we rather say, very easily to be read. For the most part, it will please men and make women angry, for......
Proverbs And Comediettas. By Percy Fitzgerald, M.a....
little plays "written for private representation." What we have read of them seem somewhat wanting in brilliancy and point, and, in our view, the dialogue ought to be uncommonly......
We Have To Acknowledge A Very Handsome Edition Of...
Works, 3 vols. (Cassell and Co.) It has been annotated by Charles and Mary Cowden Clarke, two well-known labourers on the text of Shake- speare, and illustrated by the pencil of......
We Have To Notice In The Florist And Pomologist (" Journal
of Horti- culture" Office), a very useful record of the advances made in what has now become a great industry, the cultivation of flowers and fruit. The value of the periodical......