The panic about the Anarchists does not decrease in Paris,
and grave fears are expressed whether juries can be em- parmelled capable of giving a verdict without fear. The most careful preparations are being made to secure order on May let, and apparently with some reason, the Executive Committee of the Labour Demonstration having issued a ferocious pro- clamation. In this document, the workers are assured that "whether that wretch the bourgeoisie wishes it or not, the end approaches." The "bandit of capital will perish in shame and filth." The "glances of the famished are turning, drowned in enthusiasm, towards the dazzling Labarnm of the universal demands." "Wage-receivers, this last vestige of human barbarity, this last link of the chain of slavery forged for humanity by the pirates of power, will disappear from the surface of the globe. For lo ! '93 returns." That last sentence is true, with this difference, that the Terrorists were at the top in 1893, and the dynamiters, who otherwise are so like them, are still at the bottom. The tone of '93, with its strange mixture of bloodthirstiness and hope, certainly reappears among the
Anarchists ; but in '93 they had the support of a large section of the general population. To-day the demand, sup- ported by universal suffrage, is for measures which, in their extreme severity, threaten to outstrip justice. It should be noted that the Anarchists now never argue. They think it sufficient to express hatred and hope, both in a style which suggests rather a prolonged scream than an articulate utter- ance.