23 APRIL 1892, page 3

The Release Of The Bulgarian, Shishmanoff, Accused Of The...

of M. Vulkovitch, Bulgarian Agent in Constanti- nople, and his safe retreat to Odessa, have greatly irritated Sofia. M. Stambouloff has consequently addressed a note to the......

Sir James Fergusson, The Postmaster-general, Has Found It...

warn the young women employed in post-offices that they really must be decently civil. He has issued a circular enjoining civility upon employes of both sexes ; but it is......

A Very Odd Item Of Intelligence Has Come From Persia.

The owners of the Tobacco Monopoly having been deprived of it for reasons of State—that is, because the Shah was afraid of popular rebellion—have been promised a compensation of......

The Bishop Of Chester (dr. Jayne), Speaking On Tuesday At

the annual prize-giving of the Chester Working Boys' Home, said that he had been accused of advocating corporal punish- ment only for the lower classes. On the contrary, be said......

We Regret Deeply To Notice The Death Of Dr. Allon,

so long pastor of Union Chapel, Islington, who expired on Saturday morning rather suddenly. He was ill, but no immediate danger was apprehended, when his breathing suddenly......

There Is Nothing, Apparently, Which M. Renan Likes So Much

as to be interviewed. We do not know how many times he- has been interviewed of late years, or how many quaintly depreciatory opinions he has expressed concerning his con-......

The " Electors " Just Elected In The Argentine Republic

are all instructed to nominate Dr. Saenz Pena as President, and Sefior tiriburu as Tice-President, and those gentlemen will accordingly accede to office in June next. The......

The Discreditable Condition Of Many Of The Smaller...

in London has been illustrated this week by a deplorable accident. Enormous crowds, as usual, visited Hampstead Heath on Easter Monday, and rain coming on in the afternoon, a......

Bank Rate, 2-1 Per Cent. New Consols 0d Were On

Friday 96i.......