23 APRIL 1892, page 22

Pictorial Atlas To Homer's Iliad And Odyssey. By Dr. R.

Engle- mann and W. C. F. Anderson. (H. Grevel and Co.)—This is a largely increased and-improved edition of a work which appeared some time ago. "The present edition," writes......

Boethius.* This Is Another Specimen Of The Excellent Work...

the Cambridge Essay Prizes either originate or encourage. Mr. Stewart modestly excuses the publication of his volume by pleading the obligation laid upon him by the conditions......

Current Literature.

Missionaries in China. By Alexander Michie. (E. Stanford.)— Mr. Michie brings the results of a long experience to bear on this difficult question. He points out that from......

Dare Macdonald : A Romance Of The Riviera. By E.

R. Macnicol. (Alexander Gardner.)—This romance of the Riviera has for its hero Dare Macdonald, a little boy nearly five years old, who is very natural though very precocious for......

A Primer To Browning. By Mary F. Wilson. (macmillan.)— Miss

Wilson gives a chapter commendably brief On Browning's life, concerning herself, as is right, with its literary activity. A second chapter, on the poet's characteristics,......

On The Heights Of Himalay. By A. Van Der Naillen.

(Gay and Bird, London ; John W. Lowell Company, New York.)—In the publisher's preface to the second edition of On the Heights of Himalay, we are told that this theosophic novel......