23 APRIL 1892, page 1

The Panic About The Anarchists Does Not Decrease In Paris,

and grave fears are expressed whether juries can be em- parmelled capable of giving a verdict without fear. The most careful preparations are being made to secure order on May......

Mr. Courtney Made A Striking Speech To His Constituents At

Looe on Tuesday, on the subject of Irish Home-rule, the sub- stance of which we have summarisedin another column ; but we may add here that he illustrated most effectively the......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, April 30th, win be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages .of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......

In Spite Of M. Loubet's Caution And The Resolutions Of

the Chamber, or it may be in consequence of them, affairs in Dahomey threaten to become more serious. Behanzin, the King, has heard by telegraph of the vote of 2120,000 for......

News Of The Week

T HE main political interest of the week has been the pub- lication by Mr. Murray, in pamphlet form, of a letter addressed by Mr. Gladstone to Mr. Samuel Smith upon the sub-......

The Lisbon Correspondent Of The Times Agrees With Us That

the secession of Matto Grosso will be disastrous for Brazil, and points out a geographical fact which greatly affects the situation. The natural outlet of the vast province is......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...
