23 APRIL 1892, Page 16


[To TEE EDITOR OP THE " EIPICTATOR."] Su,—Is it really the case, as stated in the Spectator of April 16th, that "every old whist-player" must have seen all the trumps in one hand ?

On an evening in January, 1884, I held the entire suit of trumps. Having written to the Field to ascertain the odds against such an occurrence, I received a reply which may be found on reference to a file of the above journal, the date being, if I rightly recollect, on or about January 29th, 1884. The odds there given greatly exceed 128,000,000,000 to 1, a figure necessitating an alarming number of quiet rubbers for frequent illustration of the phenomenon.—I am, Sir, &c., [We have not calculated the odds, but we know of two or three instances at least—ED. Spectator.1