Polling took place in the Transvaal on Wednesday for the
new Legislative Assembly, and resulted in a majority for Het Yolk over all other parties. The hundred and forty-one candidates may be grouped as follows :—Het Yolk, forty-five; Nationalists, allied with Het Yolk, sixteen; Progressives, or the British Party, thirty-three ; Independents, thirty-one ; Labour, thirteen; nondescript, three. The results in the towns, which are the stronghold of the British interest, were rather more favourable than was expected to the Progressives. Sir Percy FitzPatrick, Progressive, defeated Sir R. Solomon, Nationalist, in South Central Pretoria- Sir George Farrar, Sir A. Woolls-Sampson, and Mr. Abe Bailey were all returned. Mr. Smuts was successful in the Wonderboom division of Pretoria, and General Botha in the Standerton division. Mr. Schalk Burger and General Delarey were returned unopposed. We discuss the elections elsewhere, and will only repeat here our earnest hope that, in spite of the very unsatisfactory outcome, the Transvaal will begin at once to work out its own salvation without further interference from home, and eventually arrive at the same happy freedom from race jealousy as Canada can boast to-day.