Debrett's House Of Commons And Judicial Bench. (dean And...
Is. 6d. net.)—Here may be found all the facts and figures— facts of the neutral kind, it will be understood—about hf.P.'s and Judges, by the latter term being meant all persons......
Some Books Of The Week
. [Under this heading ere notice sue. Books of the week as hare not been cursed for review in other forme.] Poems of Herrick. Selected, with Introduction, by the Rev. Canon......
Two Books Of Travel Of Which, If Circumstances Permitted, We
would gladly give an extended notice must be dismissed with a few words of appreciation. These are Algiers and Beyond, by M. W. Hilton Simpson (Hutchinson and Co., 12s. net),......
The Pocket Guide To The West Indies. By Algernon E.
Aspinall. (E. Stanford. 6s)—Mr. Aspinall furnishes the usual informa- tion about travel, residence, notable objects and places, and the like. The book was printed before the......
Hertfordshire Families.
Hertfordshire Families. By Duncan Worland, M.A. " Victoria County Histories," Genealogical Volumes. (A. Constable and Co. 1.5 65. net.)—The second volume of this sumptuous......
Porcelain. By William Burton, F.c.s. (cassell And Co. 7e....
net.)—Mr. Burton's book covers a wide field. The author, who is a practical man, and distinguished by having produced some fine glazes, tells us first what the material of......
Some Pages Of Levantine History. By The Rev. H. T.
F. Duck- worth. (Alex. Moring. Is. 6d. net.)—The three subjects dealt with in this volume, put in chronological order, are "Athena in the Twelfth Century "—the period taken in......
A Book Of Quotations, Proverbs, And Household Words. By W.
Gurney Benham. (Cassell and Co. 10s. 6d. net.)—This is a very ample, and, as far as we have been able to test it, a very complete, collection. No volume can possibly do more......