23 FEBRUARY 1907, page 24

Springtime. By H. C. Bailey. (john Murray. 68.)—the...

Mr. Bailey's title took place in the fifteenth century, and the Beene of the book is Italy. That being so, the reader will be prepared for a story full of intrigues and......

Harry And Ursula. By W. E. Norris. (methuen And Co.

68.) —The title of this book most accurately describes the scope of the plot. The story is concerned with a misunderstanding between two foolish young people who will not......

Hertfordshire Families.

Hertfordshire Families. By Duncan Worland, M.A. " Victoria County Histories," Genealogical Volumes. (A. Constable and Co. 1.5 65. net.)—The second volume of this sumptuous......


HER MAJESTY'S REBELS.• Ma. Lvaionr forestalls the criticism of those who may be inclined to regard his novel as essentially a roman d clef in an interesting prefatory note.......

Current Literature.

THE HIBBERT JOURNAL. The Hibbert Journal (Williams and Norgate, 2s. 8d. net), always full of thought, begins the year with an excellent number. Among the most interesting of the......