News Of The Week.
/VIRE new Reichstag was opened on Tuesday, and the Kaiser read his Speech from the throne in the castle. The Speech was , curiously unlike the hot words which the Emperor flung......
Numerous Extracts Have Been Published In The Newspapers...
Kuropatkin's book on the Russo-Japanese War. It is not surprising that the book was suppressed in Russia, for a more candid and painful record of blundering, dis- obedience,......
Polling Took Place In The Transvaal On Wednesday For The
new Legislative Assembly, and resulted in a majority for Het Yolk over all other parties. The hundred and forty-one candidates may be grouped as follows :—Het Yolk, forty-five;......
In The Early Hours Of Thursday Morning There Occurred What
was probably the most terrible wreck that has ever taken place in the case of a Channel steamer. The Great Eastern Company's boat, the Berlin,' while performing her usual......
In The French Chamber Of Deputies On Tuesday, M. Briand
made an eloquent and statesmanlike speech on the Separation Law. It proved that the differences in the Cabinet, which were far more personal than political, have been settled,......