23 JANUARY 1942, Page 2

The Americas and the Axis

The conclusion of complete agreement between the twenty- one American republics of North, Central and South America on the rupture of diplomatic relations with the three Axis Powers is very satisfactory. To the last moment it seemed questionable whether Argentina and Chile, whose attitude would be doubtful throughout, would come into line with their neighbours. A formula had in the end to be devised to secure their adhesion, but it is by no means the kind of formula which reduces agree-

ment to a mere facade. What it provides is that the deci reached at Buenos Aires is subject to ratification by the Cab' and Congress of each signatory State. That means that Governments of Argentina and Chile can pass on the respo bility to their Parliaments. This involves some small delay, bu is improbable that ratification will be withheld. The result i considerable rebuff for Germany, Italy and Japan, all of w have substantial interests in Latin America. It means that a measures will be taken to suppress Axis agents and propag And it reflects great credit on the United States delega headed by Mr. Sumner Welles, and the Brazilian Governm which, in spite of threats from Berlin, has never wavered in anti-Axis attitude. The patient diplomacy of Waihington two decades has had its reward in the solidarity of the Amen